All original artworks are painted by Martina Ehrenborg. Materials used are Aquarelle, gouache, pencil, pen, charcoal and acrylic. Note that some originals will also be sold as fine art prints. All reproduction and copyright is owned by Martina Ehrenborg.

Please note that colors, shades and textures might appear different in photos than in real life. Our artwork is professionally photographed and we try to show our artwork as true to the originals as possible, but depending on what contrast, color settings and brightness you may have on your screen the photographs can vary from the original painting. If you wish to see more photos of a particular painting or if you have any questions, please contact us at and we will help you in any way that we can.

Fine art prints are produced in a limited edition on Hähnehule German Etching 310 gsm Aquarelle paper. Size and edition may vary see more info on each product.

We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Please contact us if you want to use another payment method.

If you wish to return a product you can contact us within 14 days after receiving your package. Please note that we do not pay for any additional fees (such as packaging materials and shipping costs etc) and that you are responsible for delivering the package back to us in a secure way. As soon as we have cleared that the product/products are in perfect condition we will transfer you money back as soon as possible.
If your product/products appears to be broken or damaged in any way upon arrival and you wish to make a complaint, contact us as soon as possible with details, pictures and any additional information that we might need and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions regarding returns or refunds, please contact us at and we will help you every step of the way!

We reserve us the right to change the contents of terms and conditions and any typos that might occur on this website. All prices and availability will be updated regularly but stock/supply might not always be correct.